Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Dodgers 1986 Baseball Boogie Video

so gay

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

Puttin' on Weight

I'm goin' on the fatkins for this

Friday, February 22, 2008

This will make your day instantly better.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Snatched Up!

Rio Bravo... Monday

What almost happened to Darren

You may have seen this already

Saturday, February 16, 2008

My cat can eat a whole watermelon

does that look familiar to you?


Looks like round two for the space we worked so hard on. more info here.

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New post on the Ironcurtainrod

Thursday, February 14, 2008

#1 reason I want a bigger yard, and a flat-bed truck

free whale
free willy

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

born on this date

my favorite player

died on this date

for the sake of a change of subject

Abe was born 199 years ago, today.

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Dear friends

How good it is to see the passion displayed by Jesse... I admire the chomping at the bit. No one can deny his intentions or love for the game, and no one can blame him for assuming control, after all it is Jesse, though, unfortunately there is nothing for him to control. The powers that be opened the door for another...

Let me assure all of you that this time will be different because this season is different... It's different not because of me. It's different because of you; because you are tired of being disappointed and you're tired of being let down. You're tired of hearing promises made and plans proposed in the heat of seasons end only to have nothing changed come the birth of a new one. As the league takes shape, at this moment, you are standing up in your homes to say, "Not this time. Not this year." Mistakes are too high and the challenge is too great to play the same game with the same Commissioner and somehow expect a different result.
This time must be different. This time we have to turn the page. This time we have to write a new chapter in this leagues history. This time we have to seize the moment.

Now, this isn't about me, and it's not about Jesse. As I've said before, he was a friend before this . He'll be a friend after it's over. I respect him. I respect him as a colleague. I congratulate him on his past victories . He's had outstanding seasons.

We can do this. We can do this. But it will not be easy. It will require struggle, and it will require sacrifice. There will be setbacks, and we will make mistakes. And that is why we need you. So right now, I want to speak directly to all those who want to join this most proud league, who have wondered if it will be worth it, who love to play but still hunger for something more. You know it in your gut. You know we can do better than how we've done. You know that we can take our game to a higher level. But some might fear the change. You've been taught to be cynical. You're doubtful that it can be done. But I'm here to say, right now, to all of you who still harbor those doubts, it can be, and it will be.

We need you to stand with us. We need you to work with us. We need you to help us prove that together ordinary people can still do extraordinary things.

This is a new day, a new season... you have voice and it will be heard. Per the leagues vote at the end of the new year- the league will be on ESPN, and will cost $50 to join, I have opened a paypal account to manage the funds...
I am open to hear and discuss any items listed and new items and let me assure you that no thought will go unheard or suggestion ridiculed and also that no ONE person will bully the league with dogmatic comments but the larger body will have the platform.

Together we are one, together.

those of you who were in last years league will be receiving an invitation email shortly, those of you who are interested in joining we look forward to hearing from you...

Thank you
Daniel Bush
2008 Commissioner

***Thanks to the Oboma Camp for inspiring portions of the speech.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Here is some additional blogging infotainment

Dana and I have a blog. We go around various donut shops in LA and review them. Simple. check it out: LAD. add it to your daily read and go have a snack

Monday, February 04, 2008

I might be moving back to LA

So, I received an email this morning informing me that I've been accepted into UCLA's PhD program for Slavic Language and Lit. Within the next few weeks I should receive a financial aid package. After I receive letters (whether they be acceptance or rejection letters) and offers from other schools, I should reach a decision. But UCLA is one of my top two choices at this point.

It'd sure be great to hang out with you guys again.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

super group

Come out and see the rio on Wednesday! you are assured a good time. I however will not be doing the assuring. All assurance must go through our agent at gieco. So, Goodtimes? Yes!

P.S. opening for us will be the newly formed supergroup Roxeonettes. Don't miss..

Friday, February 01, 2008