Friday, December 24, 2004

I am Gene Kelly

Lisa and I watched Singing in the Rain last night and it reminded me of my former (and now returning/current) non-homosexual infatuation with Gene Kelly. I would indeed go so far as to say that he is one of my idols. Any man who can tap dance one minute, give a silly one-liner the next, and follow both of those up with some graceful balet steps (while still retaining the epitome of manhood) is pretty damn cool in my book. The dude dances around with a pink background, and he still looks like he would buy me a beer after kicking my ass across town. Everybody needs to see this movie again. That is all for now.


Blogger dmh said...

yeah, what is striking about gene kelly is how athletic he looked while dancing. I imagine he would have been as comfortable on a football field as he was a dance floor. Most men that dance now are very unconvincing specimens of masculinity.

12/24/2004 10:30:00 PM  
Blogger dmh said...

more on kelly from imdb:
"Kelly was in the same league as Fred Astaire but instead of a top hat and tails Kelly wore work clothes that went with the masculine, athletic dance style he was creating with his "snappy paper-tearing, roller-skating, puddle-stomping footwork."

'Martial arts stars Jackie Chan and David Carradine both cite him as an influence.'

"There was no model for what I tried to do with dance...And the thing Fred (Astaire) and I used to bitch about was that critics didn't know how to categorize us. They called us tap dancers because that was considered the American style. But neither of us were basically tap dancers."

"I arrived in Hollywood twenty pounds overweight and as strong as an ox. But if I put on a white tails and tux like Astaire, I still looked like a truck driver".

"If Fred Astaire is the Cary Grant of dance, I'm the Marlon Brando".

"I never wanted to be a dancer. It's true! I wanted to be a shortstop for the Pittsburg Pirates."

ok, nevermind. i take every thing back...

'Kelly was a dance consultant for Madonna's 1993 "Girlie Show" tour.'

12/24/2004 10:41:00 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Actually, Gene Kelly was in fact a homosexual. Sorry. It's true.

12/27/2004 08:54:00 AM  

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