Friday, August 05, 2005

Ukraine it is.

Dan, you're in my prayers. Not physically of course, but I am praying for you. Drew and I had a good chat on the phone. It's kind of weird. I've been up here for about a month, and it only now hit me how much everything is changing. I guess it hits you in different ways at different times. But I just got this hollow feeling in my gut, wondering if any of the next few years will be as meaningful as the past ones have been. I guess the feeling intensifies when I know people I care about are going through transition too. One day we'll all get together and it will be like one big Fleetwood Mac reunion tour (without the acid and the pot, but with the tambourines and the long flowing gowns). Anyway, I guess I was just thinking that 2-3 years ago I would have had no idea how often life asks you to sacrifice things at every step of the way. There's something pleasant about the sacrifices though, because when you decide to go a certain direction you know that it must be valuable in order for you to sacrifice things that are important (like pets or children).


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