Wednesday, August 03, 2005

i too have the internet in my life once again

good to be back my friends, good to be back. i've cruised through the last couple of posts, and i like that it's all still happening.

drew - good to hear from you. i am looking forward to hearing all about your adventures. here's to bluebirds and states with evergreen trees.

miller - wtf

sycz - i am listening to an argentinian mass right now. i am very hungry. my tummy needs a sycz intervention.

keith - i haven't seen you in a while!

andy - please stop smoking all my cigarettes, and while you are at it, end world hunger.

mb - having the internet back is good!

dmh - please post on your blog your version of 'let's get retarded'

jglow - thanks for the phone call!! i think you look like the duke [of windsor]

jayson - congrats on the grant to finish up the record. let me know if there's anyway that i can help. ps you also have my flask. you will know it's mine by my initials which are etched in the front. i will forgive if all it's contents end up 'miissing'

dan&billy - be safe, be smart!


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