Friday, November 19, 2004

Top 4: In-Flight movies.

So here I am sitting on the couch after an afternoon of making drinks for loud, fat, unhealthy high school girls(Venti Carmel Frappucino, extra carmel, extra whip cream, extra chocolate syrup). I was thinking about seeing a movie to pass the time and realized I had a few choices, some of which would probably be terrible. The movie in question is "After the Sunset". It got terrible reviews so I decided I'd pass it up. It's probably better watched on a plane. So, for all of you who'd like to respond....

Top 4 movies you've seen on a flight that would probably be terrible otherwise, but you've got a coke and pretzels on your tray table and couldn't be more entertained by the captain's choice. Mine are:

1. The Replacements- Keanu Reves and Gene Hackman in a football comedy.
2. The Italian Job(the new version)
3. The Thomas Crown Affair
4. Red Planet(val kilmer on mars)

good day to you all,



Blogger KMOB said...

on a flight over the pond to london i watched "joy ride" which is a sort of duel-esque stalker style flick with an unseen truck driver stalking two teens across the united states with his big rig. lots of big scare style moments. terrible movie, but i laughed my ass off because paganini was with me and got scared so much by once sceen that she screamed at the top of her lungs, causing everyone on the plane to freak out. awesome

11/19/2004 04:13:00 PM  
Blogger M said...

Mine, from worst to best (or not best to real best)

4. Mr. Deeds

3. Mr. Deeds

2. That one movie where that really funny guy from Saturday Night Live inherits a ton of money and says funny things while performing funny actions. You know, the one where that other funny guy from Saturday Night Live sees the first funny guy throwing cats from a burning building...

1. Mr. Deeds

11/19/2004 06:18:00 PM  
Blogger dmh said...

scooby doo 2, that lawyer romantic comedy with james bond and that chick The Dude had sex with, that one with The Rock and the jackass guy, bringing down the house, bowfinger.

not jersey girl

11/20/2004 04:06:00 AM  
Blogger miller said...

So, I'm in Oxford now. And on the way over the Bourne Supremacy and some other movie were playing. I watched the other movie and not Bourne Supremacy. So that other movie is on my list, but I don't remember what it is about or what it is called. Other movies:

(2) Under a Tuscan Sun
(3) Enemy at the Gates
(4) Stewart Little

What's better than the movies? Me being back together with my girlfriend, and me going to Cambridge tomorrow. What's better than that? Really liking someone and not feeling like I have to figure out my life at every moment.

Rediculously Smitten,

11/22/2004 05:05:00 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

4. Under the Tuscan Sun. Oh man did that movie suck.
3. Jersey Girl. Darren, you should be ashamed of yourself. (Quick side note, as per mine and Gloyd's conversation, true or false, Ben Affleck will play Scott Peterson in the movie version of the Scott Peterson saga. (Answer: True. And he will kick some ass. It is the role he was born to play.))
2. Seabiscuit.
1. Anything Else, the Woody Allen/Jason Biggs/C. Ricci thriller. The really sad thing is that it was on an extremely long flight, and it played twice. The even more sad thing is that I watched twice.

11/22/2004 12:04:00 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

I just realized I answered the wrong question. So those were my top 4 worst in-flight movies; here are my best:

4. Spy Kids

That's all I got. They should show whole seasons of 24 on international flights, commercial free. That would kick some ass.

11/22/2004 12:08:00 PM  

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