Friday, October 21, 2005

the noise of shit hitting the fan.... phphphhph

what a time in life. Transition on phenomenal levels. I come to all of you with great joy in my heart. the gathering of good people, creates an atmosphere... of, well... how do you call it... love. Our friendships are amusing, all walks of life, but a gratifying trueness to it all.

Transition 1. Work at Vision Trust is good. Its an office job. ministry serving orphans in developing countries. I'll be heading up the short term missions aspect of the ministry... I like to travel, orphans are cool... and so here I am. Several cool things about working at Vision Trust are 1. my own office. 2. business card... so damn cool. 3. the internet. 4. I can listen to music... and so I do... a lot more that I think they thought when they suggested I could. 5. Travel opportunities. very cool. though, the vibe could be weird on the trips so #5 is still in the air. 6. work with kids... but I don't really... that's just the objective. 7. good coffee. 8. a comfortable leather chair. 9. a phone... ok that sums it up... here are several shitty things about working for VisionTrust International 1. lack of quantity of real work right now. and so I often get stuck doing busy work. or work for the sake of work, which just sucks. 2. The founder and CEO, whom I will be working under a lot, is a pretty weird guy and I haven't found a way to connect with him... and when he speaks, I get annoyed. 3. its a Christian ministry... and so there's that heavy agenda... and that Christian talk that im no good at.... and lots of begging for money... which they want me to do. 4. there's nobody my age... everybody's pretty cool but there all at least 20 yrs older... Lets just say the lady menu is looking pretty slim right now... which is cool.

Transition 2. I quit smoking, yup. except when I drink... I like smoking when drinking. but I don't do that too much so I still call it quitting. but as a result, I have begun to chew. nicotine is a bitch. Matt said it only takes 3 days for the nicotine addiction to end, but I don't know about that... its got me by the balls. and so now I am sitting at my desk at work, chewing, and currently listening to Music from Big Pink, The Band, and writing...

Transition 3. I have a disease... I didn't even know existed. They like to call it Psoriasis which is a skin condition. It is an immune-mediated, genetic disease manifesting in the skin patches of skin called "lesions" become inflamed and are covered by silvery white scale. and its a lifetime thing... kinda weird, pretty gross... and I am considering this my coming out with my disease moment. I am getting comfortable with my new disease, and working hard on making it look cool. though I havn't quite mastered that quite yet

Transition 4. Big family news... my sister's family who lives here in Colorado has had some major shit going down... My brother-in-law, whom I have known and been in my family's life since I was 13, has been living a very deceptive life. He's created another life outside of the one with my sister. and though it seemed as if he was very repentant, he has continued his other life. In 13 years of marriage hess had 8 extramarital relationships, and is currently in one which he claims he's found love... and it has ALL come out in the last two weeks. As you can imagine its been a difficult time for my sister, and their four daughters. She is currently pursuing a divorce... and so here we are... life takes such interesting turns... reallities and dreams shattered... but life moves on. thanks for the thoughts, and prayers...

I'll be damned, funny how it all works.


Blogger onebeltfitsall said...

Wow. That's pretty incredible. I know I'll be praying for you and you can probably add O'Brien and Bethancourt as well as Hamilton and Sycz. Don't add anyone else though, they're liars. I love you dearly and wish that you were here to hold... mmmmmmm.... Sycz.

10/21/2005 03:55:00 PM  
Blogger Seriously said...

damn. praying.

10/21/2005 04:16:00 PM  
Blogger Sycz said...

wow. I pray too.

10/22/2005 11:05:00 AM  

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