Monday, September 05, 2005

goodbye to bachelorness

I haven't posted in a while, so before I pass out for the evening I thought a few ramblings could be good. This last week has been really weird, not in a bad way...i guess kind of unexplainable. It's the week before I get married and I find myself spacing out more than usual. It's such a monumentally huge life step that I feel I can't really contain it, so I wake up in a daze and go through my daily tasks with this knowledge that everything will be different a week from now- it's a hard thing to wrap my mind around, yet I'm so excited for everything, the known and undiscovered. It's been amazing to see relationships turn to marriages and continue to flourish. Thank you Drew and Amanda, Jayson and Jen, Matt and Lisa, Jesse and Robyn, Matt and Amanda, and Keith and Karen for your great example- I've learned a lot from you. I'm really looking forward to Saturday, there's really no formal plan for anything but I think that will make it pretty relaxing. I want everyone just to hang out and have fun. That's about it. The Dodgers got swept by the Rockies and I've lost all hope.

Again, I thank all of you who came up to the bachelor weekend, I had an incredible time.

love and theft,



Blogger Andrew said...

you'll be fine. try not to space out while operating a motor car.

9/06/2005 09:34:00 AM  

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