Thursday, August 12, 2004

I'm at Disneyland...

I'm at Disneyland with nothing too profound to say. I feel like I've been on a road trip the last little while, so I feel it's appropriate to blog about my adventures. I had a deep fried twinkie yesterday at the fair in V-town. The fair was fun. I rode on the Chris Faris Wheel. There was a ride there called Magnum. It spun in circles and featured Tom Selleck's face- for serious. I also say my grandma. She seems sad. It brings me down. She's got cancer, for those of you who don't know. Pray for her. Robyn is hugging me right now. It is nice.

The Dodgers are 30-10 in their last 40. Pretty good. They've really suffered since the trade.

Bachin' this weekend. I stand to win lots of dough. I stand to sweat much. Then it's off to Seattle... and back... and off to a wedding... then Hawaii again... then Bridge School... then Colorado... then Brazil... then Costa Rica... eat my shorts FOO.

Hugs and Humps-



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