Saturday, February 12, 2005

So, being that we imbibe on a regular basis, I'm sure that there must be a wealth of knowledge on how to end a hangover. As I am writing this, my head feels like it is going to explode and my stomach is doing sumersaults approximately every five minutes. Here's what I have done so far today.
Ate about 3 bites of ceral.
Drank half a cup of tea.
Walked around the neighborhood for some fresh air.
Smoked a cigarette.
Threw up behind a convenience store.
Drank a vitamin water.
Walked back home and slept for 3-4 hours.
Woke up and went to get coffee.
Walked around Hollywood drinking coffee, smoking a cigarette.
Came home and ate some garlic fries and drank a glass of water.
Throughout the day I have taken several Tylenol. I can't find my Vicodin, so Tylenol will have to suffice.
Does anyone have any suggestions?

It must be noted that Jen, who is not hungover in the least, is a superstar wife and has put up with me all day. Never complained once.


Blogger Sycz said...

Words of advice:

#1 No Vicodin. Especially after/during/before drinking. It will ruin your liver.

#2 As in many cases in life, prevention is the key. This is not saying that you shouldn't drink. A wise litle Irish man gave me this recipe before you crash after a night of heavy drinking. Take a couple advils with about 2 pints of water. You can take some Lime juice which aides the liver in the ATP process to help breakdown the alcohol in your body. Niocin is also good.

2/13/2005 02:45:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know the time has passed, but I've heard that jogs and hot spicey things are good... and lots of water... and lots of sleep... and vitamin c.

2/13/2005 11:40:00 AM  

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