Monday, February 07, 2005

Public interest vs. Private bullshit

Whilst searching the internet for the beautiful and bizzare, I came upon an article about the lovely town of Chicago and their brand spanking new $270,000,000 park. Apparently those in charge of parks and recreation got confused about how the use of public funds works. One of the main attractions of this fancy-pants new park (I'll take Echo Park any day) is a ginormous sculpture by an artist named Anish Kapoor. Now, although this park is funded by Chicagoan's tax dollars and this particular sculpture (I later found out) was given as a gift by SBC, it is somehow illegal to photograph this statue. This particular public work, donated by a private company, has been copyrighted so as to prevent any duplication of it's image for any purpose whatsoever. So while people are paying for it to be maintained, they are not allowed to remember their time spent viewing it with a simple snapshot. I'm sure that you're thinking "Eff that. I would just take the effing picture." The ridiculous part of this story is that Chicago is now spending people's tax money again to police those dissenting citizens that dare to keep a record of their trip to the park.
Check out this link to some bootlegged pictures of the statue and see if you can explain how anyone could prove that a person is taking a picture of this statue and not, say, the sky. It's huge.


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