Sunday, August 22, 2004

counter info

since people seem to be curious, here's some info from the counter for the virtual porch.


you will notice the incredible spike on the 19th, of "day of death" fame. the data said that over 50 unique visitors logged on and checked the site that day to see what was written on it. imagine if each of those people only told two other people, and each of them only told one other person... all of the sudden that's 250 people and it just goes on exponetially. studies have shown that when people experience bad service with a business, or experience something shocking or traumatic, they tell five about it that day. when good things happen, the number of people they tell drop to .5 people. that sucks. anyway there's some info for ya.

(ps - had to shrink the image, because it was a .php file and blah blah blah)


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