Monday, June 26, 2006

a little bit of canada

In following with the life updates being put up on the blog... i will add my own.

It's been four weeks now in Calgary, and the supplies are running low. Our last shipment was ambushed coming over the pass from northern montana. Tightening our belts, we wait in cold silence pondering who to eat first.

Actually, Calgary is great. The first few weeks up here we weren't shooting, so I had the weekends off to explore. I went up to Banff one day, rented a bicycle another day... made some friends with the owners of a great bar and go there and drink for free. We started filming last week. The majority of the scenes we are shooting are night scenes, and night doesn't start here until 10:30 or so and the sun starts to come out around 4, so we have very little darkness and have been shooting late each night. So my schedule consists of going to sleep around 5-6 am and waking up around noon or 1 pm. It's actually kind of nice.

The crew is great and the actors are doing a good job.

My current listening includes the following:
Mat Kearney
Band of Horses
The Walkmen
Rogue Wave
new Snow Patrol
Wolf Parade

My wife is coming out this Thursday for a few days to visit, so that will be a nice time as we have three days off for holiday stuff. Luckily, Canada Day and July 4th fall around the same time.

I sit here now drinking some coffee in my oversized hotel suite about to head down for my car to go to set as we have a 7 pm call time tonight. but it should be a light night and we'll be out of there by 3 am.

July 7 thru 17th out here is something called Stampede. It is basically a huge rodeo/ fair and the whole town is just nuts I hear. Over 1 million people come thru Calgary during that time. We plan on seeing and doing as much as we can on our day off while it is going on. This town is a rich oil town surrounded by ranches, but it is a beautiful town with good people.

So all in all, it has been a good expereince so far. Been meeting lots of people and learning a good deal.

And that is all for now.


Blogger andy said...

Good to hear things are going well up north. What's been your drink of choice, perhaps the classy Labatt Blue?

6/27/2006 12:29:00 PM  
Blogger Alan said...

Gotta say, when i go with the beer i am usually hitting up the konakee beer. classic canadian brew.

6/28/2006 02:03:00 PM  

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