Saturday, June 24, 2006

little pad in hawaii

good to hear from you mr. o'brien. mr. lewis. mr. o'b, your presence would be much appreciated in los silver lake. you are quite missed. anyhow...

listening: don ho, my vintage hawaiian collection, roy smeck, tiny bubbles, smiley smile, vintage violence

reading: (books brought to hawaii) the beautiful and damned, adventures of augie march, confederacy of dunces

the dodgers finally won two in a row. since i refer to my relationship with the team as "we" i suppose their play as of late is important. i've got a large cyst on my face. it's pretty gross.

my days consist of this. wake up at 6:00. download podcasts, make fried egg sandwich, drink milk, shower. commute to whittier. work/ write short stories, lyrics, movies longhand. commute home. tcb on bills and whatnot. transcribe writing from the day to the computer or guitar or piano. run. watch csi sometimes while sweaty. shower. make dinner. sometimes write music, have drinks, see friends. watch half a movie or arrested development. fall asleep. do it again.

now, though. i be in hawaii. tomorrow is one year of life with the lovely robyn l. this is totally a secret, but i've gotten her a bag of nachos and meteorites. she's gonna love it.

in hawaii i will swim, go to the doctor for my cyst, eat fruits, sun bathe, read, write (as a side note, poppo is writing his memoir called 'the soul of the hillbilly.' he just went upstairs to get his walter brennen comedy cd. walter brennen is rio bravo's stumpy for those of you not in the know.), run, surf, look at fish, eat fish, and play my uku, and drink koffee.

when i get home, i will go to montana. books to montana: blood meridian, my antionia, i don't know what else.

then i'll come home, watch the band take off (walter brennen is fantastic), and look at my cystless face with pride. maybe i'll be a teacher. maybe i'll start the great american novel.


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