Monday, December 12, 2005


sorry i haven't really been around lately guys. i've been pretty busy/exhausted from working. i have to be there at 5am sat-wed, so i've been pretty out of it for the last couple of weeks trying to adjust to my new and not-so-improved sleep schedule. all that to say, this job sucks, but at least it's a job, and everything will be be better post-christmas when my status as a member of the garden team doesn't mean that i am stuck carrying chrismas trees around for idiots all day. i'm beginning to think the slogan should be changed from "you can do it. we can help" to something more along to the lines of, "matt can do it, we'll all watch."

anyway, thank you jayson for the wonderful gift. i've always wanted a tabacco filled vacation with a long dead celeb. i think it will be awesome. maybe since his eyes will be long gone, i could sneek up on him, steal his passport, and become the captain of his boat. that would be fun. i would wear my captain's hat.

if any of you guys are subbing in whittier this week, give me a call when you get off work. i am home just after 2pm. you could stop by for some hang out time or something. that would be great.

anyway, it's after 8pm now, im late for bed.


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