Monday, December 05, 2005

Delicious and Easy

So, I've been battling this cold for a couple weeks now and its beginning to drive me crazy. There is an enormous amount of liquid flowing out of my head, and I feel stuffy and dizzy a lot. I'm learning to adjust, though I really do miss the sense of smell. Could possibly be my favorite sense. The weather has been cool. It snowed a lot Friday night and through Saturday day. Waking up to a blanket of snow is special, because of the cold the snow stuck to the streets and made for an insane ride on the streets. I live on a street that doesn't get much sun light and rests at about a 40 degree angle. Which means there's about 4 inches of ice and cars sliding down at all angles. I need to say that the new maxima has handled like a champ. There's even a little light that comes on letting me know that I'm slipping. Don't know why the light helps, but I guess its nice to know that one is slipping.
I cozied up and watched 'all the presidents men' on Saturday night. nice fire, a little vino, and a good Robert Redford film... It was nice. I realized I like investigative journalism, and maybe feel like I missed my calling. I really like the concept of the press. I know we live in a 'free press' environment, but I can't help but feel I'm being fed propaganda mixed in with news, and it can be difficult to sift through the facts. But the rush of pursuing a story, detective like, social accountability. The press influences the public, and the public ultimately decides ones fate. It was amazing to see the impact that those to fellows had on American history, the story eventually taking down Nixon. Dug it. Social accountability.


Blogger Alan said...

I say show that cold what you're made of. I've never known Dan Bush to be the kind of person to just let something overtake him and slow him down. Get off your ass, put up your fist and fight that mother fucker to the death. Hit em hard every time and eveyr time hit em hard. dammit! you must show it who's boss, Danza style, get on your hands and knees and just coax that cold right out! ... or something. and this is all propaganda. when you hear about the military paying for angles on stories, and shoddy reporting to cover up shoddy governing... well, no, you're not in communist russia or china... you're right here in America where we have a great amendment that gives us freedom of speech. unless you're unpatriotic, like any red blooded democrat is, then you should just go start your own little communist island because dammit, there will be none of that questioning of our great and mighty president.
i am so confused.

12/06/2005 01:16:00 PM  
Blogger Alan said...

it's all a seditious act. man, what craziness it all is.

12/07/2005 09:47:00 PM  

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