Thursday, September 23, 2004

Morning movies with jesse...

I have begun the new hour of power. Along with other pre-dawn risers Andy Smith and Mike Scyz, I have instituted 6:00-7:00 am as my movie time. So far, we have watched Notorious by Alfred "Ten Inch" Hitchcock and an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.

Notorious is a thriller with Cary "Most Likely Gay" Grant and Ingrid "Bloated" Bergman. It was a thriller in the highest degree, wherein Claude Rains is the former lover of dog face Bergman and current Nazi with designs on rebuilding a Nazi force. The pacing of the film is excellent. Hitchcock's brilliance is in that fact that he doesn't get bogged down with needless explanations and whatnots. Pure story. Pure suspense. Lines are blurred between good and evil. We are never quite sure who loves who and who's using who. Those with honor exude honor. Those who are cowardly and evil, exude cowardice and evilicity (new word).

Curb Your Enthusiasm
is brilliant in it's use of dry, gut wrenching humor, and amazingly awkward situations. Larry David (co-creator of Seinfeld) never ceases to amaze in the ways he puts his foot in his mouth repeatedly. In this episode he makes a bad joke about affirmative action to Richard Lewis' black dermatoligist. Insanity ensues. I really like this show for cathartic reasons- as most of you porch dwellers can attest to.

Tomorrow: Terry Gilliam's Brazil

current listening: Bobby Gentry. A 1960s influence on Lucinda Williams. It's a country-fied, soulful, symphonic mess of a deal that's easy on the ear.


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