Thursday, November 04, 2004

New compy...

Myself and Andy went out and bought ourselves matching ibooks. They are the bomb. They are the diggity. I haven't been on here in a while so I think I'll ramble. I've been watching some great dvd television shows. Both Curb Your Enthusiasm and Freaks and Geeks have been making me happy with delight. Larry David reminds me of me some of the time. He also reminds me of Andy. I am also writing something new which is always fun. It is known right now as the 5th film by Jesse Gloyd. Though it should be 4 1/2th seeing as I was blessed to have worked with the budding auteaur Mr. Joey Detroit. Since becoming internet famous with Monkey Show's and such, he dropped the Sanders. Joshing aside... big ups to Darren's video prowess. It is the talk of the whittier and we all look forward to more dynamo productions.

Anyhow, I'm working on my oft-ill fated Goldrush movie. I've already scrapped 50 pages I've written in the last couple weeks in favor of giving it another fresh start on the new compy. It should be fun. It stars Pernell Roberts. I am also happy because the Dodgers may be getting a little catcher named Mike Piazza.

I will leave you all with this little word of wizdolm... Good NIYT!


Blogger miller said...

Mike Piazza would be a good pick-up for the Dodgers; Mike Sycz would be a better one.

11/05/2004 02:26:00 PM  
Blogger dmh said...


11/05/2004 05:05:00 PM  

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